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Stella Mc Cartney brand differentiation and positioning

"I was brought up to understand that we all are here on planet earth together"- Stella Mc Cartney.

Image 1: Stella Mc Cartney

In the fashion world as we know it today, it can be difficult to stand out. En mass luxury fashion shows and fast fashion giving us new products every two weeks. New brands are often unsuccessful as they don't differentiate themselves from other brands and remain in the minds of the consumer as a backdrop product.

Differentiation causes consumers to remember a product and provides a reason for the consumer to want to purchase a specific product, above a competitor, in the same market. Positioning can be the way a consumer differentiates one product from another. Both of these concepts are fundamental to the development of brands.

Stella Mc Cartney is a luxury fashion brand that was established fairlty recently. It was launched in 2001 as a joint venture with Gucci (Stella Mc Cartney,2017). Stella Mc Cartney was raised and still is a vegetarian and is known for not using any leather, fur or animal products in her brand (Contactmusic, 2013). She is a consistent and vocal supporter of animal rights. In the fashion industry where mass consumerism and materialism is what fuels products to fly off the shelves, Stella Mc Cartney started something quite revolutionary. In an industry where most garments and accessories are made unsustainably, Stella Mc Cartney's business is still successful, and the reason for this is that her brand has positioned and differentiated itself in the mind of the consumer.

Video 1: The true cost, a documentary trailer of the fashion industry.

The brand has established itself as a "responsible, honest and modern"(issue, 2015) company that only uses sustainable resources. As a brand that is grouped as a luxury fashion brand, this is something unique. Instead of the consumer having to worry about destroying the planet they can now purchase a quality fashion product (on the same scale as Louis Vuitton), but with the promise that they are doing more good than harm. The company promises to be honest in where they source their products and they are very clear on the fact that they could be improving. The brand also aims to be modern not only in design but also in supporting the development of the future. These elements of responsibility, honesty and modernity is something that makes the brand unique and creates an imprint in the mind of the consumer.

Video 2: VOGUE voices interview with Stella Mc Cartney.

Stella Mc Cartney has a message that resonates with its product category. In 2017 it is difficult not to know about the damage that the fashion industry is causing our planet. Stella Mc Cartney's promise is thus one that consumers can buy into. Stella Mc Cartney wants to innovate the fashion industry from within and the brand has the credentials to prove it, positioning itself as a sustainable brand with a backbone. The brand has seen 53% sustainable growth in the past ten years. The difference that the brand is making to the environment is a difference that is communicated often to their consumers through ad campaigns and articles on the website.

Video 3: Deforestation campaign by Stella Mc Cartney.

Stella Mc Cartney is also an individual that lives out her brand's core values and morals. She is an PETA advocate and animal rights spokesperson who regularly does talkshows and seminars on sustainability in the fashion industry.

This enormous fashion brand is an example of how important it is for brands to be different to any other brands in their product category. This difference can be an entire business model or even just knowing that the money you are spending is helping the future sustainability of the planet. Brands also have to effectively communicate the fact that they offer something unique through advertising or exciting campaigns.



Image 1: Stella Mc Cartney, 2017, Available at:

Video 1:The true cost, a documentary trailer of the fashion industry, 2015. Available at:

Video 2: VOGUE voices interview with Stella Mc Cartney, 2015. Available at:

Video 3: Deforestation campaign by Stella Mc Cartney. Available at:

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