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Allow me to introduce myself

Fashion is and has been my main focus in my life for as long as I can remember. But not in the sense of look- how -fabulous- I -dress- and- how -gorgeous- I -am- way, not that there's anything wrong with that, but I've always felt like there is more to what I do. This feeling is why I am introducing this blog to the world. I have recently enrolled myself in a GetSmarter program at UCT specialising in brand management. All through my years of studies I have had a feeling that creating something by hand is not for me.

Brand management has always fascinated me. Seeing the reasoning behind marketing strategies and realising the value that brands have in the world of finance truly excites me.

It is my main aim to introduce my findings on brand management on this blog along with my findings about life in general.

Please take a look and give my a follow on my social media platforms as I often post interesting articles and updates on various platforms.



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